Enthusiastically, our preparatory students volunteered to raise environmental awareness of young students at school. They have worked very hard throughout the first term to achieve their precious goal. We are very proud of each and everyone of you.
Enthusiastically, our preparatory students volunteered to raise environmental awareness of young students at school. They have worked very hard throughout the first term to achieve their precious goal. We are very proud of each and everyone of you.
Primary stages at Al Hoda Azhar School celebrated the end of round one in the reading campaign during the morning assembly. Looking forward to seeing more winners in round two which kicked off this week.
وسط فرحة وفخر الجميع احتفل قسم القرآن الكريم بختام تلاميذ الصف الثالث الابتدائي لجزء الذاريات وختام تلاميذ الصف الرابع الابتدائي ربع يس
قاد الصغار الاحتفال تحت إشراف المشايخ المحفظين الأفاضل،
وقدموا عروضا متنوعة مابين نموذج لحصة القرآن وفقرة المتشابهات والترديد الجماعي لنسب الحبيب المصطفى وتحفة الأطفال والإنشاد فى حب وفضل القرآن
هنيئا لكم الاصطفاء بهذه المنة
جعله الله فهما ونورًا لعقولكم و زين به أخلاقكم، وجعلكم ممن قال عنهم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم:
(إنَّ للَّهِ أَهْلينَ منَ النَّاسِ قالوا: يا رسولَ اللَّهِ، من هُم؟ قالَ: هم أَهْلُ القرآنِ، أَهْلُ اللَّهِ وخاصَّتُهُ)
Thanks to all Year 1 parents who attended the ‘Reading for Pleasure Workshop’ . The aim of the workshop was to brief parents on the reading program at school and how they can help their children in reading at home.
In the prestigious, luxurious halls of the Opera House, our Year 6 students were lucky enough to watch an Arabic play. The play -Ali Mubarak- is also part of their curriculum this year, so it was nice to integrate education and entertainment.
سبق المهرجان أنشطة و ورش ثقافية وعلمية و فنية أنتج خلالها التلاميذ أعمالا متنوعة ملأوا بها أرجاء المعرض و أبهروا الزائرين بالشرح و التوعية .
و حازت الاستعراضات الجماعية والأناشيد الهادفة على إعجاب الحضور وعلى رأسهم ممثلو و مندوبو وزارة البيئة و أشادوا بالفقرات و معرض أعمال التلاميذ و أدائهم الواعي فى تقديم هذه الأعمال و عرضها، و أبدوا بالغ سعادتهم بهذا المهرجان و مواكبته لحملة الوزارة فى حماية البيئة.
A warm thank you to all parents and guests who attended our festival: Save our Planet.
The festival was packed with many inspiring activities and ideas. From choir and plays to inflatable and telematch games; the day was indeed quite a thrill.
The highlight of day was the students’ presentations which were all made of recycled material in an attempt to raise awareness to the importance of recycling.