Category: Announcements
"إِنَّ الَّـذي مَلَأَ اللّـغاتِ مَحـاسِناً.. جَعَلَ الجَمالَ وَسَرَّهُ في الضّادِ"
أبدعت اللغة العربية وعُرفت بتراثها العريق وسحر كلماتها ومعانيها وعذوبة ألفاظها فى مختلف أشكالها وأساليبها و خطوطها وفنونها
ووعت وحفظت تراثا إنسانيا عظيما واستطاعت أن تجري مع الحضارة وتلبي مطالبها،وفي ظل ارتباطها بالقرآن الكريم اكتسبت منه القداسة
وقد أعلن 18 ديسمبر اليوم العالمي للغة العربية، اليوم الذي اتخذت فيه الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة عام 1973 قرارها التاريخي بأن تكون اللغة العربية لغة رسمية سادسة في المنظمة
وتحرص مدرستنا سنويا على الاحتفال بهذه المناسبة العربية العالمية، وقد خصصت إذاعات ذلك الأسبوع فى حب اللغة العربية وإجلال أهميته، وأقامت مسابقة فى فنون ومهارات اللغة
وتنافس الطلاب فى البحث عن الإجابات والحلول
واختتم الأسبوع بتكريم الفائزين وسط فخر وزهو الجميع
Competition and wit!
Preparatory students at Al Hoda School got us by surprise last week during the Young Inventors Science Club. Their work was beyond awesome.
They carried out experiments by themselves and they displayed their projects and science magazine along with some challenging scientific crossword puzzles. We are very proud of you.
In an attempt to help elementary students improve their multiplication fluency, Al Hoda School held a Multiplication Competition which was both motivating and entertaining.
Students had lots of fun playing math outdoor activities with their math teachers. The fresh air and the change of scenery were exactly what was needed to get students in gear. The online multiplication applications (Time Table Carnival) was definitely the highlight of the competition.
That’s the name of the writing display board where students from Primary 3 to 6 can display their writing articles. The board is already crammed with different writing genres as students are enthusiastically gearing up to display their work.
Not only did this idea encourage students to write and display their writing, but it also encouraged them to read for other students from different classes and even write small notes to their friends and stick them on the board. Two birds with one stone!
Al Hoda Schools cordially announce the beginning of the registration for the new academic year 2020 -2021