Category: Announcements

November 2, 2019


“Think Different” is the name of the event that took place in primary 1. Parents spent some quality time with their children at school. It was a day packed with fun and productivity as parents shared their children in many activities such as pottery, painting, drawing, coloring and making different items out of shapes.

Thanks to all parents. Your visit brightened your child’s day.

See the event photo album

October 23, 2019


Yesterday’s morning broadcast was out of the box. It was all about a jar of joy, and it did, indeed, bring joy to everyone: students and teachers.

Words of appreciation, gratitude and recognition were all wrapped in a small jar of joy and given out to teachers by their students.

The message behind this jar was to teach students that thanking people is a virtue as prophet Mohamed (PBUH) said  "من لم يشكر الناس لم يشكر الله"